Rita Brown holds her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Rita also holds her USDF bronze, silver, and gold medals with distinction. She is a USEF R judge working towards her S. She has ridden multiple horses at the Grand Prix level, three of which she trained herself. She also has won many regional titles at all levels on client horses and her own.
As a USEF R judge, Rita has been invited to judge all over the country at regional championships. She is finishing up the S program and planning to continue her education even further.
Currently Rita is working with Christopher Hickey as well as regularly attending and participating in various clinics and other educational opportunities. She attributes her classical education to having the opportunity to work in Florida every winter or the past 16 years. Rita has had the opportunity to study or clinic with Shelley Francis, Pam Goodrich, Voker Moritz, Catherine Haddad, Morten Thomsen, Ulla Salzgeber, Steffan Peters, Henk Van Bergen, Debbie McDonald, and more.